Tag: autoupdates

  • Inspecting Chrome release schedules

    Inspecting Chrome release schedules

    ChromeOS makes OS updates seamless and completely transparent to the users. There are no Patch-Tuesdays in ChromeOS world and certainly no service-packs either. However, if you have more than a few 100 Chromebooks in your network, understanding what releases are rolling out, and when is important. This can become very handy when you troubleshoot user-issues.…

  • Chrome M106 rolling out !

    Chrome M106 rolling out !

    Chrome M106 is starting to rollout today. Mac OS is getting M106 at 10% rollout at this moment, which means 1 in every 10 update requests from the AutoUpdate engine would get a M106 update payload. While I don’t see ChromeOS move to M106 yet, we should see it soon. Its typical for ChromeOS to…

  • Important ChromeOS AutoUpdate Controls

    Important ChromeOS AutoUpdate Controls

    Chromebooks abstract out a lot of complexity from the end users and have made it easy for someone new to use it. ChromeOS AutoUpdate infrastructure does the same for IT Admins, who are responsible for managing OS updates to the ChromeOS devices. The focus on security, speed and usability has made ChromeOS to be one…

  • Why am I getting updates after Chromebook reached AUE ?

    Why am I getting updates after Chromebook reached AUE ?

    Every Chromebook comes with an Auto-Update-Expiry (AUE) date. You can check yours by going to chrome://os-settings/help and clicking on Additional details. Below is what it looks like on my Pixelbook Go which lists the date as June 2026 However, interestingly the updates don’t always stop on the date/month specified. Google takes stability of its devices…