Chrome Release M126

Ver Type Category Name
# 126 Behind Flag Auto Sizes for Lazy Loaded Images with Srcset
# 126 Behind Flag Dispatch selectionchange event per element
# 126 New FedCM multi IDP in single get() call
# 126 New FedCM Bundle 6: Continuation API, Scope API, Scaling Well-Known, Custo
# 126 Launch WebGLObject Web IDL superinterface
# 126 Launch Private Aggregation API: filtering IDs in debug mode
# 126 Launch Document picture-in-picture: add option to ignore window bounds cache
# 126 Launch OpusEncoderConfig `signal` and `application` parameters
# 126 Launch toJSON for GeolocationCoordinates and GeolocationPosition
# 126 Launch Gamepad API Trigger-Rumble Extension
# 126 Launch Cross-site ancestor chain bit for CookiePartitionKey of partitioned co
# 126 Launch Automatic Fullscreen Content Setting