Chrome Release M125

Ver Type Category Name
# 125 Behind Flag Remove Prefixed HTMLVideoElement Fullscreen APIs
# 125 Behind Flag Call stacks in crash reports from unresponsive web pages
# 125 Behind Flag Deprecate the includeShadowRoots argument on DOMParser
# 125 New Skip Preload Scanning
# 125 New FedCM Button Mode API and Use Other Account API
# 125 New Media Previews opt-out
# 125 New Foldable APIs
# 125 New Viewport Segments Enumeration API
# 125 New Device Posture API
# 125 New Remove Prefixed HTMLVideoElement Fullscreen APIs
# 125 Feature: deprecate enterprise policy NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllo
# 125 Remove window-placement alias for permission and permission policy des
# 125 Launch RegExp modifiers
# 125 Launch RegExp duplicate named capture groups
# 125 Launch Compute Pressure
# 125 Launch Keyboard-focusable scroll containers
# 125 Launch Interoperable mousemove default action
# 125 Launch CSS Stepped Value Functions
# 125 Launch FedCM CORS requirement on ID assertion endpoint
# 125 Launch Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to non-cookie storage
# 125 Launch CSS Anchor Positioning
# 125 Launch View Transitions: transition types
# 125 Launch Used color scheme root scrollbars
# 125 Launch Direct Sockets API in Chrome Apps
# 125 Launch Shared Storage [support running cross origin worklets without having t
# 125 Launch Remove Discontinuity for (ok)lab/lch colors with lightness of nearly 1
# 125 Launch Declarative shadow DOM serialization
# 125 Launch Attribution Reporting Feature Bundle: Additional Verbose Debug Reports
# 125 Launch Accept HTTP(S) URLs when constructing WebSocket