Chrome Release M124

Ver Type Category Name
# 124 Behind Flag Declarative shadow DOM serialization
# 124 Behind Flag FedCM Button Mode API and Use Other Account API
# 124 Behind Flag Automatic Fullscreen Content Setting
# 124 Behind Flag FedCM: Credentialed requests will no longer send SameSite=Strict cooki
# 124 Behind Flag Stop modifying author-defined selection colors
# 124 New Document Subtitle (Fix PWA app titles)
# 124 New Deprecate Mutation Events
# 124 Launch Private Network Access permission to relax mixed content
# 124 Launch Windows ClearType Text Tuner Integration
# 124 Launch X25519Kyber768 key encapsulation for TLS
# 124 Launch jitterBufferTarget
# 124 Launch WebSocketStream
# 124 Launch Document picture-in-picture: add option to hide back-to-tab button
# 124 Launch 'writingsuggestions' attribute
# 124 Launch WebGPU: ServiceWorker and SharedWorker support
# 124 Launch Streams API: ReadableStream async iteration
# 124 Launch Document Render-Blocking
# 124 Launch Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factors client hint
# 124 Launch setHTMLUnsafe and parseHTMLUnsafe
# 124 Launch SVG context-fill and context-stroke
# 124 Launch Attribution Reporting Feature Bundle: Header Error Debug Reports, Pref
# 124 Launch 'priority' HTTP request header
# 124 Launch 'pageswap' event