Chrome Release M121 [PDF]

Ver Type Category Name
# 121 Behind Flag InputDeviceInfo.getCapabilities() for unavailable devices
# 121 Behind Flag Add JavaScript timer wake up alignment for unimportant cross-origin fr
# 121 Behind Flag Used color scheme root scrollbars
# 121 Behind Flag Lazy load scroll margin
# 121 Behind Flag Page-Embedded Permission Control
# 121 Behind Flag align-content CSS property for blocks
# 121 Behind Flag checkVisibility: contentVisibilityAuto, opacityProperty, and visibilit
# 121 Behind Flag Feature detection for supported clipboard formats
# 121 New Element Capture
# 121 New fetchLater API
# 121 Launch EditContext API
# 121 Launch No-Vary-Search support in navigation prefetch cache
# 121 Launch CSS Scrollbars: scrollbar-color, scrollbar-width
# 121 Launch No-Vary-Search Hint for Prefetch Speculation Rules
# 121 Launch Multiple Readers and Writers in File System Access API
# 121 Launch Document picture-in-picture: require user gesture for resize APIs
# 121 Launch Array.fromAsync
# 121 Launch SpeechSynthesis and SpeechSynthesisVoice interface objects
# 121 Launch URLPattern: Inherit left, wildcard right
# 121 Launch URLPattern: RegExp v flag instead of u
# 121 Launch WebGPU default entry points to shader modules
# 121 Launch WebGPU timestamp queries
# 121 Launch Speculation rules: eagerness field
# 121 Launch MediaCapabilities: Query HDR support with decodingInfo()
# 121 Launch Private Aggregation API: aggregation coordinator selection
# 121 Launch Speculation rules: document-sourced rules
# 121 Launch Speculation rules: delivery via Speculation-Rules header
# 121 Launch Improved CSS masking for SVG
# 121 Launch CSS spelling and grammar features
# 121 Launch Ruby-specific display values
# 121 Launch Remote Playback API
# 121 Launch HTMLSelectElement showPicker()
# 121 Launch Protected Audiences k-Anonymity Enforcement
# 121 Launch Protected Audience Ad slot size in real-time bidding signals fetch and
# 121 Launch Feature detection for supported clipboard formats
# 121 Launch CSS font-palette property animation
# 121 Launch Attribution Reporting Feature Bundle: Reduced Aggregate Delays, Event-
# 121 Discard Input Events To Recently Moved Cross-Origin Iframes