Chrome Release M116 [PDF]

Ver Type Category Name
# 116 Behind Flag Borderless mode
# 116 Behind Flag CSS Sticky State Container Queries
# 116 Behind Flag CSS cap and rcap font units
# 116 Behind Flag Capture all screens
# 116 Behind Flag Remove data: URL in SVGUseElement
# 116 New COOP: restrict-properties
# 116 New EditContext API
# 116 New Long Animation Frame Timing
# 116 New The Login Status API and its use in FedCM
# 116 New ServiceWorker static routing API
# 116 Launch Expanded Wildcards in Permissions Policy Origins
# 116 Launch Report Critical-CH caused restart in NavigationTiming
# 116 Launch Document picture-in-picture
# 116 Launch Bounce Tracking Mitigations
# 116 Launch Remove sandbox inheritance
# 116 Launch Protected Audience features: recency, rounding bids & scores
# 116 Launch Display and content-visibility animations
# 116 Launch Non-composed Mouse and Pointer enter/leave events
# 116 Launch FedCM bundle: LoginHint, UserInfo, and Context
# 116 Launch CSS Motion Path
# 116 Launch BYOB support for Fetch
# 116 Launch AbortSignal.any()