Chrome Release M112 [PDF]

Ver Type Category Name
# 112 Behind Flag Add containerName and containerQuery, update conditionText
# 112 Behind Flag FedCM: Support Credential Management Mediation Requirements for Auto R
# 112 Behind Flag “Reload this page” infobar no longer shown if top-level frame is
# 112 Behind Flag Deprecate TLS SHA-1 server signatures
# 112 Behind Flag background-blur
# 112 Behind Flag Deprecate non-standard `shadowroot` attribute for declarative shadow D
# 112 Behind Flag Payment handler minimal header UX
# 112 New [WebRTC] Unship deprecated track and stream stats from getStats()
# 112 New WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC)
# 112 Launch WebAssembly Tail Call
# 112 Launch Skip service worker no-op fetch handler
# 112 Launch CSS Nesting
# 112 Launch RegExp v flag with set notation + properties of strings
# 112 Launch WebGLContextEvent on Web Workers
# 112 Launch CSS animation-composition property
# 112 Launch Add optional submitter parameter to FormData constructor
# 112 Launch “Reload this page” infobar no longer shown if top-level frame is