Chrome Release M111 [PDF]

Ver Type Category Name
# 111 Behind Flag Add window-management as an alias for permission and permission policy
# 111 Behind Flag String.prototype.isWellFormed and toWellFormed
# 111 Behind Flag Skip service worker no-op fetch handler
# 111 Remove Merchant identity in canmakepayment event
# 111 Remove Deprecate and remove PaymentInstruments
# 111 Remove Deprecate and remove: connect-src CSP bypass in Web Payment API
# 111 New Deprecate and remove: connect-src CSP bypass in Web Payment API
# 111 New Document picture-in-picture
# 111 Launch CSS Selectors 4 Pseudo-Class :nth-child(an + b of S)
# 111 Launch Style Container Queries for CSS Custom Properties
# 111 Launch View Transitions API
# 111 Launch String.prototype.isWellFormed and toWellFormed
# 111 Launch Streaming declarative shadow DOM
# 111 Launch CSS Root Font Units: 'rex', 'rch', 'ric', 'rlh'
# 111 Launch Speculation rules: referrer policy key
# 111 Launch Resizable ArrayBuffer and growable SharedArrayBuffer
# 111 Launch font-variant-alternates and the @font-feature-values at-rule
# 111 Launch baseline-source
# 111 Launch Media Session API: Presenting slides actions
# 111 Launch WebXR enabledFeatures attribute
# 111 Launch WebRTC Scalable Video Coding extensions
# 111 Launch CSS Trigonometric functions
# 111 Launch CSS Color Module Level 4 and color-mix()
# 111 Launch Add window-management as an alias for permission and permission policy