Chrome Release M105 [PDF]

Ver Type Category Name
# 105 Change JavaScript Align Timers (including DOM timers) at 125 Hz
# 105 Change Device WebHID in Extension Service Workers
# 105 Change Device Gamepad API vibration on Android 12+
# 105 Behind Flag Security Anonymous iframes
# 105 Behind Flag Network / Connectivity TLS Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)
# 105 Behind Flag Device Gamepad API Trigger-Rumble Extension
# 105 Behind Flag Miscellaneous Merchant identity in canmakepayment event
# 105 Behind Flag Performance Prerender2 for Desktop
# 105 Remove Miscellaneous Gesture Scroll DOM events
# 105 Remove CSS CSS default keyword is disallowed in custom identifiers
# 105 Deprecation Miscellaneous Deprecate and remove WebSQL in non-secure contexts
# 105 Launch Performance Worklet loading is reported to Resource Timing
# 105 Launch Miscellaneous navigateEvent.intercept()
# 105 Launch Miscellaneous navigateEvent.scroll()
# 105 Launch DOM Add onbeforeinput global event handler content attribute
# 105 Launch Security Sanitizer API MVP
# 105 Launch Performance Viewport-height client hint
# 105 Launch Performance 'blocking=rendering' attribute on scripts and style sheets
# 105 Launch Network / Connectivity Syntax changes to markup based Client Hints delegation
# 105 Launch Network / Connectivity fetch() upload streaming
# 105 Launch Miscellaneous Window Controls Overlay for Installed Desktop Web Apps
# 105 Launch Miscellaneous Prevent overscroll for fixed elements.
# 105 Launch File APIs Writable directory prompts for the File System Access API
# 105 Launch CSS Container Queries
# 105 Launch CSS :has() pseudo class
# 105 Launch Web RTC DisplayMediaStreamConstraints.systemAudio
# 105 Launch Network / Connectivity Response.json()
# 105 Launch Network / Connectivity Expose TransformStreamDefaultController
# 105 Launch Miscellaneous CSS :modal Pseudo Class
# 105 Launch JavaScript import.meta.resolve()
# 105 Launch Device Multi-Screen Window Placement: Accurate Screen Labels
# 105 Launch CSS Custom Highlight API